The Freedom to Gather…How Precious the Moment
It looks like 2022 promises to be the year of the party!
Let’s face it, we are all ready for those long put off gatherings to celebrate our joys…as well as our losses. To me, it has become more apparent than ever that the human species actually has a need to gather. We actually crave the deep feeling of inclusion and acknowledge our need to participate as a group. For your next event, put on your finest, fuss over the details, but in the excitement of the moment, let’s not lose track of the purpose of gathering.
Throughout the ages the art of celebration, be it seasonal, celebratory or solemn, seems forefront to the human experience. The act of gathering…to share food, bring gifts, engage in sports or create music, WAS the purpose.
So, the Anthropologist in me asks, “Why DO humans gather?”
In my opinion, the sharing of joy or loss with a select group seems to be an inherent strengthening agent. It fosters a unique “membership” and cements a real sense of community. Elders gather with the young and a connection is rekindled, history is shared and a new story is created. There is a visceral need to say, “I participated, I am a member”. This need is uniquely human. The act of gathering allows for a shared experience that cannot be garnered any other way. I believe this is why we crave it, and have missed it so much. This is why humans gather.
So, here’s to all future gatherings, no matter the size or reason. Let’s drink to the strength of our personal communities, rekindled connections and the authoring of new stories our gatherings will bring.
The Best to you always,