“A self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living” Virginia Woolf
I don’t know about you, but the word ‘change‘ has been front and center in our world of late. Pick a topic, ultimately the word change comes up.
Some change is comforting…the seasons for example.
This Fall, Mother Nature has certainly shown us that change is beautiful, effortless, unstoppable and graceful. (Yes, please, I’ll have more of this!)
Other changes seem awkward, uncomfortable, slow in coming or NOT what we had in mind. We all go through it. We mentally squirm, kick and scream as change ‘happens to us’. (Enter your own examples HERE.)
Personally, I have not been known to do ‘change’ gracefully. Gimme the traditional, the tried and true and the expected and I’m a happy camper. (Almost can’t help myself…I’m a Capricorn.) But, if change is inevitable then I figure I best step up and figure out how to deal with its inevitability.
Enter Maya Angelou’s thoughts…
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”
(Thank you Maya, I needed that.)
Well, of course! I have always thought that attitude is absolutely everything, even in times of adversity. Ok, especially in times of adversity. I just needed to be reminded of that. And, by the way, things don’t really ‘happen TO us’…not really. So here’s to change, the good, bad and ugly of it. Coat it with a good dose of positive attitude and bring it on!
This month, here at MSF, I wish you the vision of positive change.
The best to you always, from Mountain Soap Factory
PS : After 9 years, BIG changes are coming to our Mountain Soap Factory website! We hope you find them beautiful, effortless and very enjoyable!