Chinese New Year 4713, the year of the Wood Sheep

Published On: March 6, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year!

It’s the year of the Wood Sheep (or Goat) …the year 4713 on the Chinese calendars.
What will Wood and Sheep mixed together bring? According to the Chinese beliefs, the Sheep is kind, tender and sympathetic. In the traditional Chinese teachings, sheep bring creativity and are considered an elegant pastoral animal. Because of their softer side, they are symbolic of peace and harmony. So the year of the Sheep is expected to bring us tranquility after a year of fits and starts. Combined with the evergreen and renewing characteristics of Wood, the Sheep’s characteristics will offer clarity and understanding.

Very interesting stuff!

Here’s my take. Reveling in a new year, no matter the cultural origin, offers one the opportunity to celebrate new beginnings. I, for one, can always use a ‘do-over’ and the chance to refresh my ordinary. Basically put, I need every opportunity to climb out of whatever rut I may have recently fallen in!

The Year of the Wood Sheep is projected to be a “year for contemplating and appreciating what has already been accomplished, to think about bringing goodness to others, to take a deep breath and calmly look at what’s ahead.”

Brilliant! I can do that!

Wishing you a moment to ‘refresh your ordinary’ on this Chinese New Years day.  May you enjoy new found wisdom and health in this, the year of the Wood Sheep.