Choose Positive

Published On: November 25, 2020
This year just be grateful for the simple things.

Hey there loyal MSF friends, it’s Joanne here.

Okey, by now we all realize that this Thanksgiving will bring a totally new way to celebrate one of our most beloved holidays. And celebrate, we SHALL!

Our own family is settling into the stark reality that we won’t be gathering in our usual ways with all the trimmings, family, friends and traditions. (…and we have a LOT of Thanksgiving traditions!) Sadly, across our country this is a reality that we all share. For this year at least, we won’t be able to enjoy Grandma’s holiday potato casserole WITH Grandma, or share all the family festivities with crazy Auntie Lu. But I contend, we still have the opportunity to be thankful and show our appreciation in new ways while bringing happiness to others. (and c’mon, this isn’t a forever situation we’re living through!)

It’s so dang easy to dwell on the “we can’t” of it all. But here’s what we can do…create special moments of thankfulness for yourself and your loved ones this month. Taking care of you has never been so important. Easy for me to say, but if you’re a mother of two and the day doesn’t have enough hours, it’s a whole different story. Truth is a simple cup of tea and some music in the background (once your jungle is finally quiet ) can be very rejuvenating. Can’t sleep for all the pressures in your world? In those wee hours write a list of the things in your life you are thankful for, and in the morning reread it. Sleeping on the positive will make your morning a little less challenging, and reflecting on your list in the morning will keep your positive thoughts present in your day ahead. No matter what you do, choose to be kind to yourself. You really can’t take care of others if you haven’t taken care of yourself first. Yup, you first!

thinking of you card
sticky notes
positive post it a day

And what about the needs of the ones around you? I understand how draining this can be. But kindness doesn’t have to be lavish, cost money or take a lot of time. Remember that the simplest things are the best, and positive attitudes are contagious. A simple sticky note on your neighbors door will go a long way in brightening up their world. Telling folks that they matter doesn’t cost a thing but the effects are priceless. Do you have an elderly family member or neighbor that’s alone this holiday season? Offer to wash their car and watch them smile with gratitude! Good exercise for you, happiness for them…WIN, WIN! And while your at it…leave behind a few groceries and a barista made cup of coffee. (order two…you deserve it. Win, Win, WIN!)


Just choose to be positive…then share your positivity with everyone.

During these challenging times, try making your Thanksgiving Day celebration special all month long. Notice the need and share a kindness. I feel that remaining grateful takes the power away from the “we can’t” of our world. So go ahead, write a little snail mail note to Auntie Lu, ask Grandma for her secret recipe and call that nephew of yours. When you brighten someone else’s day, your day will brighten as well. Guaranteed!

This year, even if by yourself, celebrate what IS good in your world and share that goodness with others. Don’t forget to set a place at your holiday table for your fur family, they can truly be the sweetest company of all!

puppy begging at table
cat begging at dinner

From our family to you and yours, we wish you wellness this holiday season in mind, body and spirit. Stay grateful and share your thankfulness with others.

The best to you always, from your Mountain Soap Factory family.