Happy Online Anniversary Mountain Soap Factory!

Published On: October 20, 2020
WOW…Its been 8 years!

To celebrate our online anniversary, today we are reinstating our

Mountain Soap Factory

Soap Box Blog!

Back on October 1, 2012 we launched our Mountain Soap Factory online store from our ranch in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. But when was the first bar poured? It was during a 4H project in 2007 that we (actually our daughter Julia) made our first bar of soap. Over the years thanks to countless County Fairs, Christmas Shows, and Farmers Markets our reputation grew organically by word of mouth.
Today we want to thank all of our loyal customers from the past 8 years for supporting our online family business. We love our customers like family and recognize how they have directly helped to build our company. We also send out a warm welcome to our newest customers. MSF is so grateful to all of you for supporting our Colorado made products. Welcome to the family!
We hope you will enjoy reading future posts, browsing our pages and finding your favorite soaps. Each month on the Soap Box Blog you can look forward to learning about upcoming Mountain Soap Factory events, monthly promotions, discussion of current fun world topics, and from time to time, learn a few interesting soapy facts.

So come along, join us, and spend a moment in the mountains every day when you use our family made products.

The best to you always, from your Mountain Soap Factory family.