The simplest and most magical way to make yourself feel better instantly…
Ahh February….
I don’t know about you, but the middle of winter is inevitably a bit of a challenge for me. It seems this is always when a pesky cold decides to make its yearly appearance, when what I long for most is the sun sticking around longer than 5:30PM every night, and when the winter blues start making themselves more and more comfortable in my thoughts….. The all-around general “ick” feeling. UGH! No thank you!
Now, if I were to ask you for one piece of advice your mother gave you to make you feel mentally and physically better instantly…. would you be able to think of one?
Well, THIS is mine….and let me tell you, although simple, it is downright POWERFUL.
Whenever my sister and I weren’t feeling our best (for whatever the reason), our mom, Joanne, would tell us this,
“Go take a nice steamy shower, put a fresh set of sheets on your bed, and hop in.”
Now in times when you feel the “ick”, getting the motivation to do anything can feel like post holing through waist deep snow. BUT it is for these reasons that my mom’s advice exists in the first place.
For many of us, taking a shower has become a part of our daily routines that we often take for granted. In this fast-paced world, rarely do we think about the mental and physical benefits it can have for us. And especially in times when we’re feeling unwell.
Showering is linked to decreased anxiety and depression, increased energy, improved immune function, and increased self-confidence, productivity and clarity.
Simply by doing something positive, you set yourself in motion to feel better and do better. Furthermore, we are programmed to associate cleanliness with health and a safe environment. That’s why pairing a shower and jumping into a bed with a fresh set of sheets is the simplest and most magical way to make yourself feel better instantly.
To go one step further, I have upped this treasured piece of advice to include one more facet, a bit of self-prescribed “aromatherapy”.
Dependent on what I need in the moment I’ll use:
* Hempseed and Olive Oil “Health” Eucalyptus Mint soap to boost that under the weather feeling. Eucalyptus and mint not only promote relaxation but also does wonders for clearing nasal congestion.
* Goat’s Milk “Lavender Cream” This soap is perfect when I’m in need of a little added relaxation and serenity. Lavender has been known through the ages to instill a sense of calm and tame mild anxiety.
* Premium Olive Oil “Islands In the Sky” Coconut Lime Verbena transports me to that warm sunny place of my vacation dreams.
* Glycerin “Mountain Mandarin” Citrus fragrance has been known to re-energize and elevate your mood. This soap puts a pep back in my step and helps ward off the winter blues.
The next time you’re feeling the “ick” creeping in for whatever reason, I encourage you to simply take a nice steamy shower, put a fresh set of sheets on your bed, hop in, and relax. I have come back to this piece of advice time and time again and, let me tell you…it never disappoints.